The Accidental Talmudist: The Silent Holocaust Hero Marcel Marceau’s extraordinary talent for pantomime entertained audiences around the world for over sixty years. It also [Read more]
Diario Judio: Diario de la vida judía en México y el Mundo Source: Diario Judio: Diario de la vida judía en México y el [Read more]
Jewish genomics | The Jewish Standard A high-tech approach is available to explore ancient roots “I had my genome sequenced,” Dr. Karl Skorecki said. “I [Read more]
Manuel Valls, French prime minister on anti-Semitism Manuel Valls, French prime minister spoke at the French National Assembly on 13th January 2015, after the attacks against [Read more]
Message From The President WHAT IS CHANUKAH? Chanukah is the eight day festival of light that begins on the eve of the 25th of the Jewish month of [Read more]
Helena our V.P. attends ceremony where Spain’s King Felipe VI thanks Jews “While listening to the speeches in the Royal Palace, in the presence of King Felipe, members of the Spanish [Read more]
El Rey a los judíos sefardíes: ‘¡Cuánto os hemos echado de menos!’ Un total de 583 judíos sefardíes solicitan la nacionalidad española en dos meses Source: El Rey a los judíos sefardíes: [Read more]
Social/Cultural Events As you know over the years we have run various social and cultural events and The Social Committee would like to hear from [Read more]
Being Jewish marked Jimmy Carter’s chief of staff, although it was a family secret – Jewish World After Hamilton Jordan’s death, his daughter edited an unfinished manuscript her father left tracking his moral journey in [Read more]
NYT: The Venetian Ghetto’s Hidden Gems The New York Times reportage about the Venice Ghetto: You would never know that behind the entirely nondescript facade of [Read more]
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