Nine Days- 9 Av, 5784 / Martes 13 de Agosto 2024 Nine Days- 9 Av, 5784 Jewish History Passing of R. Shimshon of Ostropolle (1648) R. Shimshon of Ostropolle was a saintly [Read more]
Holocaust Memorial Service – Alicante The City Council of Alicante commemorated on 4 February 2019 the ‘International Day in Memory of the Victims of the [Read more]
Paradesi Synagogue, Jew Town, Mattancherry, Kochi, India The following article has been sent to us by Andrea and Tony Katz following their recent trip to India. They have given us [Read more]
Judah Hyam Synagogue, New Delhi, India The following article was taken from the website of the Judah Hyam Synagogue in New Delhi, India and the synagogue have [Read more]
Barbados, a centuries-old Jewish haven for relaxation — and refuge Celebrating its independence this week, the Caribbean island has a storied Jewish history spanning from the Inquisition to [Read more]
First Israeli set to get Spanish citizenship after tracing ancestry back to 1492 expulsion – Israel News Haifa resident successfully passes Spanish language and culture exam, which includes questions such as ‘What is [Read more]
Historia de Iberia Vieja: Judíos en España Los primeros asentamientos judíos en la península Ibérica se remontarían a la época de las colonias fenicias y griegas [Read more]
Roman Polanski, 10 other Hollywood Jews open up about surviving Holocaust The Hollywood Reporter is commemorating the 70th anniversary of the end of the Holocaust with a feature on 11 survivors who [Read more]
The Accidental Talmudist: The Silent Holocaust Hero Marcel Marceau’s extraordinary talent for pantomime entertained audiences around the world for over sixty years. It also [Read more]
Diario Judio: Diario de la vida judía en México y el Mundo Source: Diario Judio: Diario de la vida judía en México y el [Read more]
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