In the spotlight

50th Anniversary Celebration

On Sunday 4 December 2022, our Synagogue celebrated the 50th Anniversary of the founding of our Comunidad and the 35th Anniversary of the opening of the Synagogue.  There [Read more]


  • Torah Reading for Shabbat, Pinchas Tammuz 21, 5784/July 27, 2024 Torah Readings Balak: Numbers 25:10-30:1 Haftarah: Jeremiah 1:1- 2:3 Phinehas (Pinchas) is rewarded for his bravery. A census of the Israelites is [Read more]
  • 17th of Tammuz: History, Laws and Customs The day the walls of Jerusalem fell The fast of the 17th of Tammuz, known as Shiva asar beTamuz, begins the three weeks of mourning for the destruction of the two temples in [Read more]
  • Tisha B’Av and the 3 Weeks The Three Weeks is an annual mourning period that falls out in the summer. This is when we mourn the destruction of the Holy Temple and our launch into a still-ongoing exile. With an eye [Read more]
  • Shavuot 5784/ 2024 A two-day holiday, celebrated from sunset on June 11, 2024 until nightfall on June 13, 2024) coincides with the date that God gave the tprah to the Jewish people at Mount Sinai more than 3,000 years [Read more]
  • Passover 5784,  Apr. 22 – Apr. 30 The Passover Story in Short The Exodus On Passover, we celebrate how God took the Jewish People (Israelites) out of Egypt, where they had been enslaved by Pharaoh. With Moses [Read more]
  • Pesach (Passover) 2024 is from April 22 to April 30 2024 Passover is celebrated by Jews every year, commemorating the anniversary of our miraculous Exodus from Egyptian slavery, as told in the Bible . On the first two [Read more]
  • The Fast of Esther (Taanit Esther) The Fast of Esther (Taanit Esther or “Esther Fast”) is a dawn-to-nightfall fast held on the day before the jolly holiday of Purim . It commemorates the fasting of our [Read more]

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Synagogue Information

  • Torah Reading for Shabbat, Pinchas Tammuz 21, 5784/July 27, 2024 Torah Readings Balak: Numbers 25:10-30:1 Haftarah: Jeremiah 1:1- 2:3 Phinehas (Pinchas) is rewarded for his [Read more]
  • Jewish Holidays in 2024 Thursday, January 25                                           15th of Shevat Begins sunset of  Saturday, March 23        [Read more]
  • Friday Night Services. Regular Friday Night services are held in our Synagogue, in Benidorm, at 7.00pm.  Please note that the Synagogue will re-open for Friday evening [Read more]
  • The Synagogue will close for the summer break after our last Friday evening service on Friday 30 June 2023, and will re-open on Friday 1 September 2023 for our regular [Read more]
  • The question that we are asked, more than any other, is why do you keep going back to Javea? Why don’t you go anywhere else? To Hilary and I, the answer is quite simple [Read more]
  • Communities If you find yourself in Cornwall do visit The Cornwall Jewish Community see their website The Wessex Liberal Jewish Community extends a [Read more]
  • Name(required) Email(required) Website Message Submit Δ Members enjoy a reduction in admission fees for all social events Entrance to all Social and Cultural events are [Read more]
  • Our Synagogue services commence at 7.00pm and we look forward to welcoming everyone to join us for our Shabbat service.  Please note that the start time for our services [Read more]
  • The Comunidad Israelita de Alicante is a Jewish Community serving the Costa Blanca area of Spain. Our members range from as far away as Gandia in the North, Torrevieja  and [Read more]
  • We now have our own Facebook Page which is fully operational and to which regular posts are made by accepted members.  However, please feel free to visit us.  Just search [Read more]
  • After many years of outstanding service to our Community, Harvey Bourne, our President, has decided to stand down. It is with great regret that the Board of Management have [Read more]
  • The Comunidad Israelita de Alicante was founded in the year 1972 in the city of Alicante. At that time, the Community did not have its own synagogue and it was only possible [Read more]

Important Security Notice

We are always happy to welcome visitors to our synagogue, but please contact us prior to your visit. You should carry with you a form of ID and, wherever possible, a letter of introduction from your own synagogue. We regret that for security reasons, failure to comply with these rules may result in your being refused admission to the synagogue.

In Memoriam