
Parshah of the Week

Torah Reading for Shabbat, Pinchas Tammuz 21, 5784/July 27, 2024

Torah Readings Balak: Numbers 25:10-30:1

Haftarah: Jeremiah 1:1- 2:3

Phinehas (Pinchas) is rewarded for his bravery. A census of the Israelites is taken. The daughters of Zelophehad successfully argue for a portion in the land of IsraelJoshua is ordained Moses‘ successor. God relays to Moses the details of all the holiday sacrifices.

Last week’s reading concluded with Moabite and Midianite women seducing Jewish men and enticing them to idol worship. At that point, Phinehas unilaterally executed a Jewish leader along with the Midianite princess with whom he was cohabiting. This week’s reading opens with God praising Phinehas, and rewarding his bravery by granting priesthood to him and his descendants. G‑d then commands the Jews to punish the Midianites by hounding and smiting them. The fulfillment of this command is described in next week’s reading. G‑d commands Moses and Elazar the High Priest to conduct a census of all males over the age of twenty.

The Israelites are counted, and the totals are given for each of the twelve tribes. The grand total of all the tribes combined is 601,730. The tribe of Levi is not included in this census.

As per G‑d’s command, the land of Israel was to be divided amongst all those who were counted in this census. The location of each tribe’s portion would be determined by lottery. The tribe of Levi is now counted. There were 23,000 Levite males above the age of one month. The daughters of Zelophehad approached Moses and stated that their father had died leaving behind only daughters. They requested to receive their father’s portion in the land of Israel. Moses relayed their request to G‑d.

God agreed to Zelophehad’s daughters’ request. Moses is then instructed the laws of inheritance. Included in these laws is a daughter’s right to her father’s estate if he does not leave any sons. G‑d tells Moses to climb to the top of Mount Abarim from where he would see the Promised Land before he died. Moses asks G‑d to appoint a worthy individual to succeed him. G‑d instructs Moses to endow Joshua with some of his spiritual powers and publicly name him as his successor.

From this point until the end of this week’s reading, the Torah details the various communal sacrifices which were offered in the Tabernacle and Temple at designated times. This section discusses the twice-daily “Tamid” sacrifice, as well as the additional sacrifices offered on Shabbat and Rosh Chodesh (the first day of the Jewish month).

This section discusses the sacrifices offered on PassoverShavuotRosh Hashanah, and Yom Kippur. The Torah also discusses some of the laws related to these holidays.

This section discusses the sacrifices offered on the holidays of Sukkot and Shemini Atzeret.

Lectura Torá Shabat, Pinjas – Tamuz 21, 5784/ Julio 27, 2024

Lectura Torá Pinjas: Numeros  25:10-30:1

Haftará: Jeremías 1:1- 2:3

El nieto de Aharón, Pinjás, es premiado por su acto de celosía al matar al príncipe de la tribu de Shimón, Zimrí junto a la princesa Midianita, Cazbí: Di-s le otorga un pacto de paz y la kehuná – sacerdocio.

Un censo del pueblo cuenta 601.730 hombres entre 20 y 60 años. Moshe es instruido sobre cómo debe dividir la Tierra entre las tribus y las familias de Israel a través de una lotería. Las cinco hijas de Tzlafjad piden a Moshe que les conceda la porción de tierra que le pertenece a su padre, quien muere sin hijos varones; Di-s acepta su pedido y lo incorpora dentro de las leyes de herencia de la Torá.

Moshe lega el poder en manos de Ioshúa para que lo suceda introduzca al pueblo a la Tierra de Israel. La sección concluye con una detallada lista de ofrendas diarias, las ofrendas adicionales traídas en Shabat, Rosh Jodesh (principio del mes), y las festividades de Pesaj, Shavuot, Rosh Hashaná, Iom Kipur, Sucot y Shminí Atzeret.