From The Cemetery Committee
Dear Member,
We, the Cemetery Committee, feel it would be helpful to pass on some advice to our Members. In our everyday lives, we are, as time passes, faced with rising costs. However, at a time of anguish and sorrow one would not wish to have the added stress of being faced with an unexpected financial burden. We refer to the time of the passing of a loved one and to the financial implications of the funeral.
As you are well aware, at such a time, the Member’s donation is €1000 (as against €3000 for a non-Member). However, funeral charges have now risen, due largely to the increase of IVA from 8% to 21%. The current charges made by Tanatorio Benidorm for arranging a funeral are as follows …..
For transfer of the body from within the Benidorm area, or from a Tanatorio in a town within the Province of Alicante, to the Tanatorio Benidorm : €4,160 (IVA alone is €700).
For transfer from a town in another Province to Tanatorio Bendorm there are extra charges depending upon distance. Also, one must consider the placing of a Memorial, the cost of which now averages about €3500. And so you will see that the total costs, some of which must be found immediately, could well approach €9000.
We are not happy in presenting you with these figures. However, we are dealing with an eventuality which is certain and with which all shall be faced. We advise that, at the very least, you consider this matter most seriously and, hopefully, make provision for the future. PG may this future be a long time ahead.
Finally, we should ask “Have you actually made provision for burial in our Cemetery?”
The number of available plots is now less than 50, and we, as a Comunidad, are obliged to provide burial for any Jewish person within the Alicante Province. Thus, with the passage of time, availability of plots will become a problem. The cost of reserving a single plot is only 25€. Reserving a double plot can be secured with a donation of 200€.
For those whose intention it is to have the body shipped back to the UK (or another Country) the cost at this time would be at least 6000€ to 7000€. On top of this cost would be others, including that of embalming which is a legal requirement.Please consider these matters very carefully indeed. Should you have a need for any advice on these matters please feel free to call upon us.
Geoff Hurst
Helena Winestone
Harvey Bourne