Maurice Hartley
By Penny Hartley
“Today, the 1st of June 2015, at the Tanatorio de Pliego, we are her to celebrate the life of my beloved husband, Maurice, and to mourn his death. Here, in this room, are his family and friends, but in many countries outside of Spain we also have more family and friends who cannot be with us today but who are sharing the pain and sadness of his passing.
Until last week Maurice was a man of many diverse qualities. He had a very droll sense of humor, sharp intelligence and the joy of living. He had a love of books, theatre, music and art. However Maurice was also a totally practical person who could find a solution for any problem, whether mechanical or technical. He could turn his hand to any job which needed doing; even making bagels.
I still remember the day, many years ago, when in the morning he serviced the car engine on my kitchen table and in the afternoon he repaired my wrist watch. When machines broke down or toys disintegrated he made them new again. Our children used to call him ‘Daddy fix it’. In recent years his interest in cooking led to some unforgettable culinary experiences. In his life here in Pliego, he took great satisfaction in the growing of his fruits, vegetables and olives, even when his health was deteriorating, bit by bit, before his final admission to Arrixaca hospital.
Maurice will be remembered for his kindness; always available and willing to help whenever needed. He enjoyed your love and friendship and had much affection for all his friends. He was a good son to his parents and, no matter how busy he was, he always had time for his family, especially his sisters, Cilla and Sylvia. For his immediate family, Adele, Michael and me, his love was so strong, loyal and constant. He always put us before himself.
Maurice was not only my husband, but also my best friend and partner in crime in the many projects in which I was involved, always giving unfailing support where needed. Now he is resting in peace; I believe that his soul will stay near me and our children in the coming years. Love will not die, only the body. We have to have the courage and strength to face a future without this so much loved and special man.
With the love and compassion which you have all shown us, we can do it.”
The above was contributed by Mario Pereira