Hav and Ruth Send Greetings from The W.L.J.C. Bournemouth Community
The Wessex Liberal Jewish Community
W.L.J.C. is a smallish community of around 90 members, but is growing. Towards the end of last year there was a Barmitzvah, and this year we have celebrated a conversion. Services are held fortnightly on Saturday mornings and ladies and gentlemen sit together, and whilst we do not have a full time Rabbi, we do have a visiting Rabbi once a month. This is a charming young lady from Manchester called Robyn, who conducts the services with warmth and good humour, and on her weekends of attendance there is a service on Friday night as well as Saturday morning.
The community has a cemetery and is a member of The Joint Jewish Burial Society. Services are held in a church hall as we do not own premises at present, and there is also a Cheder plus various social events throughout the year.
Ruth and I were introduced to the W.J.L.C by Helena and Stewart Greene, when we first came to live in Bournemouth, and found a friendly and welcoming community which reminded us of the Benidorm Community. In the intervening two years we have found that we certainly made the right decision when we joined this community.
As members of both synagogues we were asked if we would be the link between the two in the initiative to form an alliance, and we would welcome any ideas or suggestions to further that aim. Any members of C.I.D.A. who are likely to be visiting the UK and in the Dorset/Hampshire/Wiltshire areas are invited to contact Ruth and I and we would be delighted to introduce you to the Wessex Liberal Jewish Community. http://www.wessexliberaljudaism.org.uk/
We can be contacted at havruth@yahoo.com